
Communal Development Plan (CDP): Mayors must take ownership of the principle of citizen participation

The communal development plan

The Communal Development Plan (CDP) is the document of general representations around which the fundamental values and the different sectoral representations (economic, educational, health, social, sports and cultural) of the Commune in question will be ordered and prioritized. The CDP constitutes the representation that the Commune makes of its relationship with the State and the world and of its capacity to act on itself through communal public action. It indicates the Commune's specific objectives and development priorities as well as the means to be implemented within this framework. However, this compass, which requires consideration of the priorities expressed by the people who are supposed to benefit from it, is not followed by the communal executives and other local elected officials. They do not adhere to this obligation of participatory management of the Commune. Thus, local populations do not identify with the infrastructure (social and economic works) built throughout the country by the communes, intermunicipal intervention or the Public Investment Budget (BIP). A potential source of conflict in the territory.


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