
Yaoundé: Elements of the Gendarmerie Brigade of Melen catch white collar criminals who steal from public administrations in MINHDU

The Emergence building in Yaoundé

Four (04) suspects were arrested on September 01, 2022 at the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (MINHDU). "At about 7:00 p.m., I was contacted by MINHDU's security, informing us that some individuals were lurking in the building. I came with my elements and we arrested them. A thorough investigation led to the arrest of a certain YEMMENEE and a man named LAPONG Cyprien, a locksmith. He was the one who made the keys, allowing MOUKOUDI NYAME, the main suspect, to access MINHDU offices, services, and the doors of the Directors, taking away valuables", explains Chief Warrant Officer Olivier NJI NJAYO, Commander of the Gendarmerie Brigade of Melen. These alleged criminals were presented to the press on September 9, 2022 and will be brought before the Yaoundé High Court today.

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