
Cameroon - France: Friendship assumed, sovereignty reaffirmed

President Emmanuel MACRON welcomed at the Unity Palace in Yaoundé

In its August 2022 publication, Le Temps des Opportunités of the Palais de l'Unité, looks back at the visit of the President of the French Republic, Mr. Emmanuel MACRON, to Yaoundé from July 25 to 26, 2022, and to magnify the friendship between the two countries. For the President of the Republic of Cameroon Paul BIYA, "Cameroon's foreign policy is imposed on us as a requirement of courageous contribution to the liberation and prosperity of peoples. For, the solidarity that we wish to see instituted between the peoples of the world will be that of free and dignified peoples or it will not be, it being understood that there is no true solidarity that in the strictest respect of the dignity and freedoms of others. President Emmanuel Macron for his part stressed: "the depth of the Franco-Cameroonian relationship and the exceptional nature of the friendship between our two countries (...) I am very admiring of the Cameroonian youth".


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