
Urban transport: Trade unionists urge the government to increase taxi prices

The Mokolo market climb in Yaoundé

Fifteen taxi drivers' unions are threatening to walk off on March 29 if the government does not accede to their demands:
    • Currently 250 FCFA during the day and 300 FCFA at night, trade unionists want them to go to 300 FCFA during the day and 350 FCFA at night. They explain         that this increase will help taxi drivers to fight against the high cost of living.
    • "A taxi driver has a salary of nearly 20,000 to 25,000 FCFA per month. Renting a room costs 15,000 FCFA, the studio is valued at 30,000 FCFA. The drivers         managed to live on the rest of their pay. But now commodity prices have risen in the market while our incomes have not budged. There is a fight between us         and our wives because we can no longer "ration" because of this inflation", explains Mr. Patrice Samen, the president of the National Federation of                       Professional Drivers' Unions of Cameroon (FNSPC) .
    • This federation, which brings together several unions, signatories of the strike notice, is also asking the government to lower the price of vehicle engine oil.
    • He adds that the government must also fight against clandestine road transport: " they prevent us from working ".


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