
Provincial Episcopal Conference of Yaoundé (CEPY): Catholic School "for full and well-made heads"

Mgr Jean Mbarga, Metropolitan Archbishop of Yaoundé

• The training of learners was at the center of the work of the first annual session of the CEPY, opened on Tuesday, March 15, 2022 in the premises of the Stoll College of Akono, by Mgr Jean Mbarga, Metropolitan Archbishop of Yaoundé and President of the CEPY, and on the theme: "The Catholic school today".
    • For 04 days, the participants will redefine, in the light of faith, the different roles that Catholic schools must play, the complete formation and the personality          of  the learner.
    • "If we build our schools for the purpose of a family, then there will be between teachers, students, parents, church and state, an easier and stronger                       harmonization, without making a place of permanent tensions and differences,” Archbishop Jean Mbarga told the press.
    • As a reminder, this meeting comes just a few days after the publication by the Cameroon Baccalaureate Office (OBC) of the list of official exams 2020-2021.        As in the past, Catholic schools flew the rankings, with in particular Jean Tabi College which came out on top with 100% success.


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