
Kidnappings for ransoms: Cameroon, the phenomenon has increased since the beginning of this year in urban centers

The rise of urban kidnappings raises fears of an escalation that could lead to the construction of vast networks

Kidnapping for ransom activity is no longer just the war strategy of Boko Haram in the Far North region and the separatists in the North West and South West. We are witnessing the amplification of the phenomenon in urban centers. According to a sociologist, the kidnapping business concerns all layers of society: children, young people, infants, the elderly, etc. Its causes are multiple in urban areas and concern: unemployment, poverty, ritual and spiritual motivations, political reasons, sexual deviance, loss of child custody rights, etc. Indeed, “Many people today are in dire economic or social circumstances. They are especially the ones who commit kidnappings. In a world where the gap between rich and poor continues to widen and where opportunities to earn honest money are often scarce, kidnapping will remain a temptation. As long as the oppression continues, it will be a means of retaliation and a way of drawing attention to situations deemed intolerable, ”she explains.


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