
Traffic accidents: 40 dead and many injured in 03 different accidents that occurred in 48 hours in the Center region

Traffic accident

The first accident killed 02 passengers on a bus from the “Charter Express” travel agency which collided with a truck in the locality of Makenene, a locality of Nyokon I. The second accident, in the locality of Awae locality Mvog-Essindi, is also a collision, between a truck and a bus of the interurban travel company "Avenir de la Kadey" in which 16 people who were on board the Car died. The heaviest toll, 22 dead, was recorded in the bus of the agency "Solidarité Voyage" which collided with a truck in Batchenga lieu-dit Pont d´Olembe. In a press release, the Minister of Transport, Mr. Jean Ernest Ngalé Bibehe, points to the negligence of interurban transport companies and freight carriers as being the causes of these tragedies and threatens, in the event of a repeat offense, to suspend them from any transport activity "without prejudice to legal proceedings".


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