
The safous, corosol, avocado papaya still a little expensive on the markets in Yaoundé

A scene of life at the Mokolo market in Yaoundé

Safous, this seasonal fruit is more and more accessible, the price of the pile varies between 500 FCFA and 2000 FCFA in the markets of the city of Yaoundé against 1000 FCFA and more a few weeks ago. Corosol, is available and sold at a very good price, a fruit costs 200, 300 and 500 FCFA. Avocado, for a few weeks now, the fruit has been in abundance, it can be found from 50 FCFA in commercial spaces, the pile of 8 large is offered at 1000 FCFA. And papaya, the fruit is the rarest and most expensive at the moment in the city of Yaoundé, the average fruit is sold at 400 FCFA and the piles are almost invisible.


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