
Central Regional Council (CRC) on the starting line!

Headquarters of the Regional Council of the Center

The first session of the Regional Council of the Center (CRC) was held in Yaoundé from May 26 to 28, 2021. It was devoted to the examination and adoption of the budget for the 2021 fiscal year, to the draft internal regulations and the effective establishment of the Regional Council of this Decentralized Territorial Collectivity (CTD). As for the budget, it should be noted that the very first in the central region is an operating grant from the state. It balances in income and expenditure at the sum of 3 billion CFA francs. Opening up the region to serve agricultural production basins will be the priority in the action of the regional executive. For this, the latter plans to acquire civil engineering machinery and land to serve as a base (deliberations n ° 12 and n ° 13). The draft internal regulations were adopted. With regard to the effective establishment of the activities of the Regional Council and its functioning, the members of the Council authorized the regional executive to recruit staff for the region. Deliberations 4, 5, 6 and 7 relate to the monthly allowances for members of the board and staff, sessional allowances, the organization of sessions, the deployment of the administration and the payment of expenses relating to the Council.


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