
Various routes and networks


Interventions in the field of roads and various networks (VRD) in urban areas in Cameroon are regulated by decree nº2014-521-PM of March 19, 2014. For the application of said decree, the following definitions are accepted:
Roads: all traffic lanes, earth or paved.
Various networks: all the works carried out for the servicing of a site or in the right-of-way of a road, in particular the equipment for electricity, sanitation, public lighting, post and telecommunications, water supply, gas, fuel or other transport equipment.
Concessionaire: natural or legal person to whom the State or a decentralized local authority has granted the right to manage and operate a public service.
Easement: right allowing the installation of infrastructures and any equipment on, above or below public or private property.
Standard easement: easement respecting the technical specifications approved by a national or international organization recognized in the field.
Proofing file: document including all the updates on the basis of the work actually carried out.


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